Tag Archives: whipped chocolate ganache

Whipped White Chocolate Mousse

Buche de Noel

Whipped chocolate ganache has been something that I have been using for a while, but it has always been a very thick and decadent product.  I have been working on making it lighter and to not taste as rich so as to be able to increase its versatility.

For my brunch I have been doing a whipped panna cotta which reminded me of my whipped chocolate ganache and so I started working on mixing the two.  I ended up taking the milk from the panna cotta, reduced the amount of gelatin, and then added that hot mixture to white chocolate.  Then I added my flavorings to the cream and whipped it to stiff peaks and then folded that into the cooled chocolate panna cotta.

From here you could use it immediately or let it cool and mix later.  For my Bûche de Noël I added matcha and orange flower water and the aerated texture that is created after it sets in the fridge worked great to imitate the bark of a tree.


Light White Chocolate Mousse

500 grams milk

15 grams of gelatin

900 grams white chocolate

1 liter of cream

Vanilla and flavors to taste


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Posted by on January 1, 2018 in Dessert


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