Monthly Archives: May 2019

Root Vegetable Potato Cake

Making potato cake is something that many people learned to do as they grew up. Because it is something cheap and easy to make, it is also something easy to modify and add your own flavors.

-5oo grams of mixed grated root vegetables (potatoes, parsnips, carrots, raw beets)

-100 grams grated yellow onions

-2 eggs

-5 grams cornstarch

-5 grams flour

-2 grams baking powder

-2 grams sea salt

-1 gram fresh black pepper

-1/2 bunch cilantro chopped

-1 gram ground cumin

-1 gram ground coriander

-1 gram ground chili powder

-Mix the grated vegetables and onions and squeeze out all the extra liquid.

-Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until completely incorporated.

-Form the mixture into a potato cake and pan fry in olive oil over low heat until golden brown on both sides.

I like to add corned beef brisket with fresh goat cheese, roasted butternut squash and chili powder.

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Posted by on May 30, 2019 in Uncategorized