Espresso Bourbon Pecan Pie Tart

12 Feb

As the holidays roll around each year, the obligation to keep with the long tradition of baking a pie arises.  One of my favorite pies has recently become pecan pie, of which I never liked when I was growing up.  In order to find my passion for this dish I added a couple of my favorite ingredients, bourbon and espresso!!!!

Espresso Bourbon Pecan Pie Tart Recipe

3 tablespoons butter

½ vanilla bean

½ cup brown sugar

¼ cup honey

3 tablespoons corn syrup

3 eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten

1 tablespoon flour

¼ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons bourbon

1 tablespoon espresso

1 cup toasted pecans

-In a pan, heat the butter until it begins to foam and become brown.  Remove from the heat and swirl in the seeds from the vanilla bean scraped out as well as the bean.  Let it cool for 5 minutes.


-Remove the pod and stir in the brown sugar, honey, corn syrup and eggs then transfer into a mixing bowl.


-Fold in the flour and salt then stir in the rum and espresso.


-Arrange the pecans in the pre-baked pie shell or tart shells however you would like.  For a more uniform look arrange side by side in 2 layers around the shell or just toss them in and level them our for a more rustic look.  Pour the filling over the pecans evenly.


-Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes, rotate and continue until golden brown.


-Remove the pie/tarts from the oven and cool on a rack at room temperature.  Top with whip cream and serve.


However or whenever you celebrate the holidays, just think back to the first time you had a pecan pie and what it meant to you and how you felt.  Now you can feel that way whenever you want.  Have fun and enjoy!

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Posted by on February 12, 2014 in Dessert


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