Chocolate Dipped Stone Fruit w/Ice Cream

18 Aug

Summer is stone fruit season, which makes it one of my favorite times of the year!  The produce in the summer and early fall is so amazingly delicious.

When talking about “stone fruit,” the term refers to members of the genus Prunus, which includes plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, and nectarines.  The blooms that produce the fruit are very fragile and extremely susceptible to frost and even strong winds.

The use of stone fruits can vary and range from fillers in a salad, to roasted and stuffed into a cobbler.  I prefer the simplest use, the one that really compliments the fruit and at the same time gives it the elegant perception of “Chocolate Covered.”


To make this dessert, simply melt your favorite chocolate (preferably a bitter sweet) in a bowl over simmering water.  Once the chocolate has melted, scrape the chocolate into a small bowl or container that will allow you to fully dip the fruit without too much maneuvering or trouble.  After you have dipped half of the fruit in the chocolate, lightly scrape off part of the extra chocolate from the bottom of the bowl and place onto a chilled plate.  Allow time for the fruit to cool and the chocolate to harden.  You may now double dip into a different kind of chocolate to give a more hand crafted look or just scoop your favorite ice cream into the middle and serve immediately.  Really, it is that simple!  Don’t miss out on this wonderful time of year!

1 Comment

Posted by on August 18, 2013 in Dessert


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One response to “Chocolate Dipped Stone Fruit w/Ice Cream

  1. Karen

    August 23, 2013 at 5:37 PM

    Sounds wonderful…We had 17 peaches on our young tree this year and they became jam. I will have to go to the orchard and get a few for this yummy sounding and easy dessert!


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