Monthly Archives: May 2013

Morel Mushroom Season

This year’s morel mushroom season was short but look at the foraged crop from the Wigger farm!




Sometimes I wish I were back on the farm.

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Posted by on May 8, 2013 in Mushrooms


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Stone Fruit Saffron and Raspberry Jam

Stone Fruit Saffron and Raspberry Jam,


Making your own jam and jelly is very simple and easy to make with the flavors that you love.  I took my simple jam recipe and added saffron and raspberry to make a more complex and flavorful spread.


First start by washing and removing the pits from the fruit, then start simmering them with sugar, lemon juice, saffron, and raspberries.


Cook until the fruit is tender then remove from the heat.  Let it cool to room temperature.
Puree the mixture until smooth and strain through a fine meshed strainer.  Bring the mixture (in a clean pot) to a boil and cook until it reaches 215 degrees.  Reduce to a simmer and continue to cook until the jam is reduced and thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.  Cool the jam and can in jars and use as you desire.


I love to spread the jam over potato cakes for breakfast with a fried egg or even simply over a piece of toast to have as a quick snack.
It is very easy to modify this recipe by subbing in your favorite fruits and your favorite seasonings.  Enjoy the experimenting and be sure let me know what you create from this base recipe – I would love to hear about it!

12 cups stone fruit
1 ½ cups sugar
1 lemon juiced
1 tablespoon saffron
1 pint raspberry

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Posted by on May 1, 2013 in Sauces


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