Monthly Archives: February 2013

Pistachio Ice Cream Anyone?

Pistachios are tree nuts with a very distinctive flavor and color.  This tree grows in the desert and is tolerant of salty soil.  The trees take 7 to 10 years to reach enough maturity to cultivate a significant amount of product.

The opportunity to make this ice cream arose when I was given some pistachio puree.  I wanted to make a good strong flavor, but also add more depth and creativeness.  I began thinking of my favorite flavor combinations that I usually pair with pistachios.  The answer that came to me was blackberries and I also thought of caramel, so I combined the two to make the swirl for the pistachio ice cream.

The ice cream began with my favorite base vanilla recipe.  One pint of heavy cream and one pint of whole milk combined in a sauce pot with one tablespoon of vanilla extract and one teaspoon of salt.  Heat until just before simmering, then remove from heat, cover and let steep for one hour.  While the cream is steeping, separate out six egg yolks and beat in a mixer with eight ounces of vanilla sugar until pale.  Slowly add half of the hot cream mixture to the yolk mixture and whisk until fully dissolved.  Carefully temper that mixture back into the rest of the cream.

Over low heat continually scrape the bottom of the pot with a rubber spatula until it begins to thicken.  Remove from the heat when the mixture coats the back of a spoon and then strain through a fine strainer into a bowl placed in an ice bath.  Stir until cooled completely.  Once mixture has cooled down, process in your ice cream machine.


Pistachio ice cream: add three tablespoons of toasted pistachio puree to the ice cream base when the vanilla extract is added before steeping.

Blackberry caramel: start by heating two cups of sugar with two tablespoons of water and cook over medium heat until it begins to turn an amber color.  While the sugar water is reducing, heat two cups of cream with one pint of blackberries.  Puree and strain out the seeds.  Slowly add to the amber sugar water with a whisk off of the heat until completely combined.  Place in an ice bath and cool completely.  Add slowly to the ice cream when it is being taken out of the machine.

This is a great dessert by itself but even better served in between your favorite sugar cookies, perhaps candied rosemary and dark chocolate chip with a drizzle of maple syrup.  However you decide to eat it, it is delicious and soothing.  So enjoy!

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Posted by on February 3, 2013 in Dessert


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