
mini s’mores bites

27 Dec

mini s'mores bites

This is a great and easy mini dessert idea for anytime of the year. This dessert is easy to mass produce for any size party.

-Start out with either pre-made mini graham cracker shells or make your own in a mini cupcake pan.

-For the chocolate filling, heat one cup heavy cream and mix it in with eight ounces of bittersweet chocolate chips. Stir until completely dissolved and pour into tart shells until filled. Chill until the chocolate is set.

-For the marshmallow topping you can go out and buy marshmallow fluff and pipe it on top with a star tip or to make you own marshmallow fluff. If you decide to make your own marshmallow fluff, mix twelve egg whites and two cups of corn syrup in a mixer with a whisk attachment. When the fluff is at medium peaks, add two cups of powdered sugar and mix to full volume.

-Pipe on top of each chocolate tart, then with a brûlée torch brown the top of the marshmallow.

The great thing about this dessert is that you can make many different flavor combinations by adding flavors to the chocolate as well as the marshmallow fluff. For example, you can make “chocolate covered strawberry” s’mores by adding a strawberry puree to the marshmallow fluff.

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Posted by on December 27, 2012 in Dessert


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